That is a misnomer. He should be called Mr. Agrogg - Motorized Demonic Anglerfish Cat Tormentor.
At first, Mr. Agrogg is quite alluring as he lazilly swings his antenna around and around in a random fashion. I get curious about the fluffy green grape dancing at its end, so I approach and paw.
Then, Mr. Agrogg springs his trap and unleashes an ear-piercing scream that sounds like a really, really, really loud electric can opener. He scampers around wildly in circles, blindly bumping around the room drunk with rage.
His primal war cry ceases only when he stops chasing me. Resuming his earlier quiet repose, Mr. Agrogg serenely casts his lure about. I escape phsycially intact, but the damage is done, he has scared the poo out of me.